Northeastern Evolutionary
Psychology Society
Who we are
This is the homepage of NEEPS–the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society. Now into our second decade, NEEPS has been cultivating scholarship and inquiry into the evolutionary roots of behavior since 2007. NEEPS is a truly international society, regularly drawing scholars and students from nations around the world to our annual conference. Built on a foundation of collegiality and support, NEEPS strives to help cultivate the next generation of scholars in the evolutionary behavioral sciences. Our flagship journal, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, is the only evolution-based journal published by the American Psychological Association.
You don't have to be in the Northeast to be a NEEPSter!
Neeps 2024 conference
Our next hybrid conference will take place on April 18-20, 2024. Our site location will be at Niagra Falls, NY, USA, hosted by Drs. Rebecca Burch and David Widman and a virtual component!
Keynote speakers are Dr. Martin Daly and Dr. Anthony Volk.
Abstract submissions for oral presentations (talk and blitz) are open until December 7th.
Abstract submissions for posters are open until January 10th.
Virtual poster presentations are going to be on the morning of Thursday, April 18th. Virtual oral presentations will be interspersed throughout the main program and will be live (not pre-recorded).
Check out the conference website for up-to-date details about submissions, registration, travel, and more!